Aspirations of a Small Home


A small home? Is that the only description that I could get? Small? Is that my limitation? Or is it an advantage? People may live in me, people may design me, but do I have any aspirations? Am I supposed to provide someone something? Now that I have a chance to speak for myself, I will use it well. Yes, I do have to provide something to someone, and that is my aspiration. But we have to remember one thing; there is a yawning gulf between aspiration and reality.

Abstract- The Art of Design // My Reflections


Abstract: The ‘Art’ of ‘Design’. This tagline clearly states how design works and what makes it work- the expression and application of human creative skills and imagination in design. The final episode of the Netflix original documentary, ‘Abstract’, that is based on the views and works of renowned British Interior Designer Ilse Crawford, shows her journey of becoming the designer she is now, the projects she has worked on, and how she achieved it all. The documentary is very informative and useful speaking in a general sense, but for me, it has much more to it in design perspective and is explained in the following paragraphs.

A day studying Arch. Gerard DaCunha’s Works // Goa Study Trip Pt.1


My very first college study trip to Goa was kicked off with an amazing day spent with Architect Gerard DaCunha in Houses of Goa Museum, where he explained his work, style and ideology. He is the founder and the principal architect of architecture firm ‘Architecture Autonomous’. He completed his studies from School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, India; and is known for utilizing locally available materials and traditional construction techniques in harmony with its ecosystem.



So here’s to the start of the little corner of the internet, where I will showcase my research and explorations in the field of art and design and how creativity can change the world.

Creativity is a spark. It ignites innovation. So lets appreciate the spark that we see in our daily lives and use it to ignite the fire of innovation, which can one day, change the world.